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Level Up Your Job Search With a Resume Cheat Sheet

March 10, 2024

āœ… Use pre-designed templates. (Don't spend too much time designing a resume if you're not a designer; there are always some outstanding templates šŸ˜Ž out there).

āœ… Keep your resume to one page. (Focus only on the highlights).

āœ… Use words from the job description. (If you're too lazy to read the description, you can check out this website Worditout, paste the content of the JD, and it will help filter out the necessary keywords).

āœ… The introduction or main headline should immediately grab the employer's attention that you are a potential candidate (Talk about the job skills they require that are your strengths).

āœ… Each heading in the experience section should demonstrate your own value.

āœ… Include at least one attachment link in the resume (portfolio, website, blog, LinkedIn, etc., related to your work & experiences).

āœ… Limit or eliminate pronouns (Don't say, "I did this, I did that blah, blah...").

āœ… Avoid overusing buzzwords (trendy words) to show off yourself.

āœ… Demonstrate the impact/level of influence you had on the company, and the previous job, don't just describe your responsibilities in that job.

āœ… Knowledge/Skills mentioned in the resume should only be what the employer is looking for and only show the number of years of experience if it's really impressive. (Don't include all the skills you have in one resume).

āœ… The main title section should only include impressive categories: Experience, Education, Awards, Projects, and Skills, ... (Sometimes hobbies aren't necessary because many employers don't care šŸ˜‰).

āœ… Avoid severe spelling or grammar mistakes.

āœ… Prepare a different resume for each job. (You can use the same design template but not just the same content for everything. Change the words and skills appropriately to make an impression).

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