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Think You Can't Code? How I Proved Myself Wrong in 1 Month

October 30, 2023

🤓 Don't try to take on too much at once! Focus on mastering one language before moving to the next. It's like learning a new language - start with Spanish before tackling French.

💻 Build small fun projects! Make a maze game, fortune teller or music player. Fun goals keep you motivated to code more. Big complex apps can wait.

📚 Online tutorials are your new BFFs! Sites like Codecademy make learning interactive. No need to just read boring walls of text.

⏰ Set a timer and code for 30 mins a day! Consistency is key even if you can only spare a little time. Those minutes will add up.

🧠 Write your own code! It sticks in your head better when you type it yourself rather than copy paste.

➕ Level up with coding challenges! Test your skills on HackerRank with their exercises. Real world practice makes progress faster.

🎯 Make apps you find interesting! An app to track your favorite sports team or play music? Way more fun than a to-do list app!

❓ Ask questions when stuck! Fellow coders on forums are happy to help a beginner get unstuck. No shame in asking!

💪 Persist through frustration! Coding is challenging but keep pushing. Remind yourself how far you’ve already come!

So in summary - go step-by-step, make it fun, practice daily, ask questions, and don't give up! Consistent and smart practice will boost your coding skills faster. You got this!

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